The OEM iX lasers with output powers from 100 to 400 watts provides a compact solution for integrating the laser into existing production lines and is most suitable for laser cutting of paper, glass, wood, thin sheet metal and plastics. Unlike the lasers of the SC Series, the OEM iX lasers from Rofin are constructed with integrated RF excitation, making the laser lighter and more compact.
Due to their light weight and robust design the CO2 lasers of this series are ideal candidates for robotic applications and can be integrated exceptionally well into system concepts with scanners or other beam guidance components. Like the lasers of the SC Series, the OEM iX lasers are based on the well-proven Slab principle, with no need for gas recirculation equipment such as vacuum pumps or pressure control systems. As gas exchange is unnecessary before 16,000 operational hours, the running, maintenance and service costs are minimal.
The OEM iX lasers use a single resonator design producing laser light with a linear polarization. With a beam quality of K > 0,8, power and precision are defining characteristics of these lasers and their application is widespread and include: processing of paper, glass, wood, thin sheet metal and plastics. The OEM iX lasers are available with or without the laser housing.